USPS Employee Assistance Program    |    800-327-4968  (800-EAP-4YOU)    |    TTY: 877-492-7341
Coaching Services

The USPS EAP includes unlimited access to coaches who provide individualized, goal-oriented guidance, wellness education, strategy development and encouragement. EAP Coaches will empower those with health challenges to improve by supporting and guiding participants while holding them accountable to their healthier lifestyle practices.

Your Employee Assistance Program Coaching benefit is a strength-based resource to help you reach your full potential in both your personal and professional goals. Together, individuals and coaches commonly design wellness plans around the following themes:

Balancing work and family life
Managing stress
Setting and organizing priorities
Communicating effectively
Motivating employees
Time management
Dealing with organizational changes

EAP coaching is...

• delivered by an EAP professional in-person, via phone or video.
• available for supervisors and union representatives to assist in overcoming challenges.
• supportive of high performers to further advance their skill sets and facilitate long-term leadership improvement.
• gauged by satisfaction surveys to measure impact. The surveys identify trends, such as the top reasons managers utilize coaching services, areas for organizational improvement and content for supervisor training.
• a program that includes Relias™ training modules, webinars or inperson training at the JCEAP sites.
• utilized for participants in the USPS managerial leadership program. Participants are given a 360 evaluation highlighting areas for improvement.

EAP Coaching resources are here to support you in order to attain personal growth. Reach out today to take the next step toward success.

800-327-4968 (800-EAP-4YOU)
TTY: 877-492-7341

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